September 25 – 30, 2021
International Festival of the Folkwang University of the Arts with concerts, workshops, masterclasses, and many high-profile guests
Is the sound of a trumpet part of a language that connects all people? Does it evoke a collective memory of an ancient form of communicating with each other – and what might this mean to us today? How do we connect with one another, through music and otherwise, regardless of age, origin, and gender?
These questions were at the beginning of a worldwide research project by trumpeter Marco Blaauw, at which time he met trumpet professor Laura Vukobratović. This encounter sparked the initiative to organize an international trumpet festival in cooperation with the Folkwang University of the Arts.
The Global Trumpets Festival highlights many exciting aspects of the trumpet: from different playing styles and genres to the underrepresentation of women and lack of diversity in the professional scene.
The Global Trumpets Festival is planned as a hybrid: From September 25 to 30, musicians, students, teachers, and scholars from different continents will come together digitally and in-person to make the trumpet and other lip-reed instruments resound.
Under the direction of Folkwang trumpet professor Laura Vukobratović and the internationally renowned trumpeter Marco Blaauw, an outstanding program has been created with numerous concerts, workshops, lectures, and discussion formats.
The audience is cordially invited to become acquainted with the trumpet and its related instruments across the entire spectrum – from jazz to classical to early and new music to cross-genre styles. Guests include luminaries of the international trumpet scene such as Bruce Dickey, Peter Evans, Mireia Farrés, Reinhold Friedrich, Mazen Kerbaj, Rajesh Mehta, Wadada Leo Smith, Taylor Ho Bynum, and John Wallace.
The festival is an event of the Folkwang University of the Arts in cooperation with Global Trumpets UG, supported by the RAG Foundation, the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation, the Kunststiftung NRW, and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Detailed information about the program will be available soon at: globaltrumpets.folkwang-uni.de